Those who make doomsday predictions May 21, 2011 also invite others to join the campaign to panic with doomsday warnings through a large billboard that read "Judgement Day May 21" or "World End Has Come 'to the world. Similar messages are also spread through Twitter, Facebook, fliers, and radio.
That the end will come May 21, 2011 derived from the fruit of the mind radio evangelist 89 years old, Harold Camping. Using mathematical calculations he interprets his own making vague predictions in the Gospels.
This is not the first doomsday predictions. Previously, he predicts the Day of Judgement will come on 6 September 1994 in which the believers up into heaven, leaving the other men who are destined to experience torture.
However, in 1994 passed without any incident. Earth is still spinning, life continues until this day. However, Camping not give up, he issued a new doomsday predictions to tamper with her version of the equation once more and then called the May 21, 2011 as the end of the world.
Camping claimed, after some 200 million Christians have taken up to heaven next Saturday, the Earth would be like hell for five months until October 21, 2011 later, where life really ends. Approximately such may 21st doomsday.
How did he find the estimates or predictions that doomsday May 21, 2011? This calculation Camping: he believed Jesus was crucified on April 1 year 33 AD, or 722 500 days before May 21, 2011. That number is the square of 5 x 10 x 17.
In his own system of numerology, the number five represent the 'redemption', number 10 is 'perfection', and 17 means 'heaven'. "Five times 10 times 17 is a story. Where Jesus paid for all your sins, "says Camping. "I fell off the chair when aware of it."
For several months, doomsday predictions forecast 21 May 2011 from Camping received help from the Christian fundamentalists. The volunteers spread the message to the entire world.
However, not all Christians believe that prediction. Many doubt it. Especially in the Gospel of Matthew, is mentioned, Jesus said, the Day of Judgement can not be foreseen.
Moreover, previously apocalypse predicted by a Baptist group leader, William Miller. He said, the world ended last October 22, 1844, yet the sun still shines brightly to this day.
There have been many earlier doomsday predictions indeed, from the Mayan calendar that says the end will occur on 21 month 12 year 2012, Nostradamus prediction code to the latest is May 21, 2011 doomsday prophecy revealed by a group of followers of Christianity in the United States.
Judgement Day is bound to happen, but the date, time of year and certainly no one knows. For Muslims, the Qur'an alone is not notified when the date or time is surely the end will occur. All depends on you, can you believe it or not by May 21, 2011 doomsday prophecy of this. Also read the previous article on 21 May 2011 Doomsday
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